Picture of a Fluoroscopy Machine that is used to watch with "live" x-rays as patients undergo different procedures. These tests are usually ordered to watch a specific function while it happens (swallowing, the stomach emptying, the colon filling, etc.)
Fluoroscopy is used to watch with "live" x-rays as patients undergo different procedures. These tests are usually ordered to watch a specific function while it happens (swallowing, the stomach emptying, the colon filling, etc.).
Most fluoroscopy procedures require a preparation by the patient before the exam is started. Some studies require the patient to not eat or drink anything the night before the study begins, while others require that a laxative be taken. Check with your doctor about the procedure you will be having. Before the procedure begins, the technologist will explain everything that will happen and give you the opportunity to ask questions.
Upper GI:
This is an x-ray study of the stomach and the first part of the small bowel. If you are having this procedure, you will be asked not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the exam. No laxative is required for this exam. In order for the technologist to visualize the stomach on the x-rays, you will be given a small packet of granules and a cup of barium to drink. X-rays will then be taken. This exam takes approximately 30-45 minutes. After the exam, you may eat and drink as normal.
Small Bowel Series:
This exam is a timed study that watches the contrast media, Barium, as it empties from the stomach and into the small bowel until it reaches the large colon. Once the barium arrives to the cecum, the exam is considered to be over. The radiologist will then take a look with fluoroscopy and attain some additional images. If you are having this exam, you will need to not have anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before the exam. No laxative is required for this study. The time of this exam can vary greatly from patient to patient, and can last anywhere from 1 hour to 12 hours.
Barium Enema:
This exam requires a two-day prep that includes a special diet and laxatives. This study requires barium to be administered as an enema to visualize the colon. After the radiologist fills your colon with barium, images will then be taken using fluoroscopy. This procedure takes approximately 45 minutes. After the exam, you will be able to eat and drink as normal with increased amounts of water throughout the day. The increased fluid intake helps to flush any remaining barium from the bowel.
Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)
This exam is a function test to see how the kidneys and ureters empty into the bladder. It requires taking a history of symptoms involved and an injection of Intravenous (IV) contrast. This contrast allows the kidneys, ureters, and bladder to be visualized on x-rays. A scout film will be taken and shown to the radiologist who will then inject contrast into a vein in the patient's arm. After the injection, films are taken on a timed basis. This exam takes approximately 30-45 minutes.
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center
Imaging Services
209 Health Park Drive
Libby, MT 59923
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