Chemotherapy & Infusion Center
The Chemotherapy & Infusion Center offers a wide variety of treatments for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, immune deficiency, and other conditions requiring infusion and immunotherapy. Depending on what type of treatment you receive, your stay at the Center may be as little as 30 minutes or as long as 8 hours. Our goal is to make your time with us as comfortable and healing as possible, providing you with safe, quality and compassionate care.
Physician Treatment Plan
The Chemotherapy & Infusion Center requires a physician to write your treatment plan orders before an appointment can be scheduled.
Appointment Scheduling
Your appointment can be scheduled through your physician's office or once we have received your physician's orders, we will contact you directly to schedule a convenient appointment time.
Insurance Pre-Authorizations
Some procedures require a pre-authorization from your insurance company 24-48 hours in advance of your scheduled treatment. You will be notified by our staff prior to your scheduled appointment if your treatment has not been approved by your insurance company.
Laboratory Services
Lab tests are often necessary before you start your scheduled treatment; your physician will order these tests. For your convenience, laboratory service is available in the Center. Depending on lab tests required you may have your labs drawn the same day of your scheduled treatment, or you may have your labs drawn the day before you scheduled appointment. Having your labs drawn prior to your scheduled appointment may shorten your treatment time in the Chemotherapy & Infusion Center.
Because treatments vary in administration time and the Center schedules patients based on the anticipated treatment time, it is important for you to be on time for your appointment. Please check-in and register at the front desk of Cabinet Peaks Medical Center. After the registrar verifies your information and places a name band around your wrist, you will be escorted to the Center.
Settle into a Comfortable Room
The treatment room includes storage for your personal belongings and a shared bathroom. A nurse will check your blood pressure, height, weight and medical history. All caregivers are trained and certified in Chemotherapy and Biotherapy administration.
Family Members and Friends
Your family and friends are welcome to accompany you to your appointment. Our comfortable center is designed to easily accommodates your loved ones. In order to maintain a calm and healing environment, we respectfully ask that you speak quietly.
Your Comfort is Top Priority

Large, comfortable recliners

TV in each room

WiFi internet access


Small library of magazines

Pillows and warmed blankets

Snacks upon request

Meals are provided for patients with treatments lasting longer than 2 hours that fall during meal time. If your stay is less than 2 hours and falls outside of meal times, you are welcome to bring snacks or a sack lunch. A family member accompanying you may wish to bring snacks as well, as their meal is not included in the treatment.
Your Questions and Concerns are Important to Us
While at the Center, you may have questions or concerns; please feel free to discuss them with your nurse. If he or she is not able to answer your question, it will be relayed to the appropriate staff or physician for an answer as soon as possible. If a concern arises at home, please contact us at (406)283-7120, or write it down and ask at your next appointment.
Going Home
If you are given a medication to help you relax (sedative) during your treatment, you will be required to have a responsible person drive you home. Please arrange to have an escort available at your estimated time of discharge.
How Can I Get More Information?
If you are interested in exploring your options for treatments at our Chemotherapy and Infusion Center, or would like information about other resources offered, please contact us!
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center
Chemotherapy & Infusion Center
209 Health Park Drive
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 283-7120