Picture of two female nurses standing next to each other in a Mammogram room
3D Mammography
The 3D mammogram is designed to provide higher quality images for radiologists, and a more comfortable mammography experience for patients. 3D mammography is more accurate than conventional 2D mammograms, detecting 20%-65%more invasive breast cancers. Breakthrough improvements transform the patient experience without compromising speed or accuracy. It is designed to improve visibility of fine details for greater diagnostic confidence.
What is 3D Mammography?
3D imaging captures multiple slices of the breast, all at different angles. The images are brought together to create a crystal-clear 3D reconstruction of the breast. The radiologist is then able to review the reconstruction, one thin slice at a time, almost like turning pages in a book. That makes it easier for doctors to see if there's anything to be concerned about. And there's less chance for a cancer to hide behind overlapping tissue.
Is there more radiation dose?
Very low X-ray energy is used during the exam. A low-dose 3D exam is equal to or less than a traditional 2D mammogram dose. And the need do a second callback mammogram may not be necessary due to the clarity of the 3D mammogram.
How will my exam be different with 3D?
During the exam, the X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over your breast, taking multiple breast images. There is no additional compression required, and it only takes a few seconds longer for each view.
Who can have a 3D Mammography exam?
It is approved for all women who would be undergoing a standard mammogram, in both the screening and diagnostic settings.
Breast Ultrasound
Sometimes it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the breast following a mammogram or in younger patients. This exam is used to see the internal structure of the breast to evaluate if a mass is cystic or solid in order to follow up on any lumps or abnormalities the patient may have felt, or following a routine mammogram.
Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy
An ultrasound-guided breast biopsy uses sound waves to help locate a lump or abnormality and remove a tissue sample for examination under a microscope. It is less invasive than surgical biopsy, leaves little to no scarring and does not involve exposure to ionizing radiation.
Needle Localized Biopsy
A biopsy is minor surgery to take a tissue sample of the breast. The tissue is then tested in a pathology laboratory to see if it is cancerous or not.
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center
Imaging Services
209 Health Park Drive
Libby, MT 59923
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